by Mir Waiz Mohammad Umar Farooq, Chairman - All Parties Hurriyet Conference
I would like to thank the host Committee of this program and especially Susan Mazur for
organizing this important discussion on Kashmir.
I stand before this August assembly because my people and I still harbor hope in it. I
stand here to remind this assembly that it has unfinished business in Kashmir. I do not
stand here to lobby against India or in favor of Pakistan. I am here to represent the
wishes of my people who continue to believe that justice can be procured through the
United Nations.
Our people are constantly reminded of the fact that it was in 1948 and 1949 that the
United Nations adopted two resolutions that clearly state that the people of Kashmir have
the right to determine their own future through a free and impartial vote. On behalf of
the people of Kashmir, I stand here to ask the United Nations to follow through on its
commitment to the people of Kashmir.
The people of Kashmir are baffled that, while the resolutions of the Security Council
have been strictly enforced in the Iraq - Kuwait situation, while the principle of the
protection of human rights has been legitimately invoked for intervention by the United
Nations to relieve the plight of the Kurds, while the future of Namibia has been
determined through elections under the auspices of United Nations, while Lithuania, Latvia
and Estonia have been admitted as members of the Organization, while the Soviet republics
have been allowed to opt for independence, the case of Kashmir which is larger and more
populous than scores of Member states of the United Nations has been consigned to
We must mention here that, by no
stretch of the imagination, can the situation in Kashmir be treated as India's internal
matter, as India argues. Kashmir is recognized as a disputed territory under international
law and the United Nations bears the responsibility of preventing the massive violations
of human rights that are being committed by the Indian occupation regime. The movement in
Kashmir is not a secessionist movement, because Kashmir cannot secede from what it never
acceded to in the first place. Nor is the Kashmir dispute a territorial dispute between
India and Pakistan; it involves not an undemarcated boundary between the two states but
the life and future of 12 million people.
We must mention here that even in today's violent world, the behavior of the Indian
occupation regime in Kashmir is singular in as much as it has enjoyed total impunity. Not
a word of condemnation has been uttered at the United Nations; not even a call on India to
cease and desist from its near - genocidal campaign. This is not merely a case of
passivity and inaction; in practical effect, it amounts to an abetment and encouragement
of murderous tyranny. If tyranny is not condoned inside the territory of a Member State of
the United Nations, is there not greater reason for the United Nations to intervene when
the territory is one whose disposition is to be determined though a fair vote under the
impartial auspices of the world organization?
The All Parties Hurriyet (Freedom) Conference which represents the broader spectrum of
the opinion of the people of Kashmir, demands that a credible negotiating process be
initiated immediately to resolve the appalling situation in Kashmir. For the process to
achieve an equitable and lasting settlement of the dispute, it must
- a) fully associate the representatives of the people of Jammu and Kashmir
- b) provide for each successive step towards settlement being supervised by the United
Nations or any impartial agreed body set up for the purpose.
We are maintaining this constructive position despite the outrage caused, and the
indescribable suffering inflicted on our people, by the barbarities of the Indian
occupation forces. The current phase of our campaign for freedom started with massive
unarmed demonstrations and it is not our policy to obstruct any genuine move towards a
just and peaceful solution. This being our stand, we have welcomed if the Governments of
India and Pakistan agree to hold talks on all aspects of the Kashmir issue.
We owe it to the interests of peace to enter two caveats along with this welcome.The
first caveat is that as the dispute involves three parties - India, Pakistan and the
people of Kashmir who are the most directly affected - any attempt to strike a deal
between the two without the association of the third, will fail to yield a credible
settlement. This has been made unmistakably clear by the flimsy arguments that were
contrived in the past.
The present situation inside Kashmir makes it clear that, if talks between the Prime
Ministers of India and Pakistan are to mean anything, they must be accompanied by
practical measures to restore an environment of non-violence, free from state terrorism.
Contrary to the sensible course we suggest, the Indian authorities in Kashmir have
persisted relentlessly, even after the announcement of the intention to hold talks, in
committing atrocities and holding Kashmir under siege. India cannot talk peace with
Pakistan while India is at war with Kashmir.
Nevertheless, the expected talks during the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations
can be useful if they reflect a sense of urgency and prepare the ground for an earnest
effort to frame a step-by-step plan of settlement.
If a response to the gravity of the situation is intended, we firmly believe that the
following measures are essential:
- i) There must be an immediate and complete cessation of military and paramilitary action
by Indian forces against the people of Kashmir;
- ii) Torture and killings of persons arrested and captured by Indian forces must be
immediately stopped;
- iii) All bunkers, watch towers and barricades set up by the Indian military and
paramilitary forces in towns and villages must be immediately dismantled;
- iv) The military presence in towns and villages must be completely withdrawn;
- v) All those imprisoned in connection with resistance to the Indian occupation must be
immediately and unconditionally released and cases instituted against them under the
so-called emergency laws must be withdrawn;
- vi) The Governments of India and Pakistan should provide facilities to Kashmiri
leadership on both sides of the cease-fire line to confer and submit their own proposals
regarding the procedures of peaceful settlement.
These six steps would constitute a moratorium on the uses of force and end the embargo
imposed by India on a political effort to resolve the situation. However, for the talks
between India and Pakistan to have any real significance, a joint declaration from them is
needed to the effect that
- a) they do not contemplate a military solution of the Kashmir problem;
- b) the two Prime Ministers are ready to meet to set a peace process in motion;
- c) the genuine representative of the people of Kashmir will be fully associated with the
- d) should a stalemate arise, India and Pakistan are willing to invite or accept
impartial mediation and make a reference to the United Nations.
Although we are dismayed by the lack of action by the world powers to help stop the
carnage in Kashmir and by their virtual indifference to the situation in our land. The
isparity between their inaction and their repeated assertion that the protection of human
rights and encouragement of democratic solutions are their major foreign policy goals is
hard for us to understand.
Nevertheless, we still have confidence that they will realize, that what is at stake in
the dispute is not only our people's survival, but peace in the populous region of South
Asia and also the basis of a civilized world order.
We are mindful of the existence in India of sections of sane and enlightened opinion
that deplore the Kashmir policy pursued by their Government and have come to the
conclusion that it is causing grave damage to India's reputation and lowered its
international standing. Compared to the clamorous bigoted and fundamentalist forces in
India, these sections speak only in soft tones, and have yet to influence policy - makers.
We assure them, nevertheless, that their efforts have deeply gratified us and we hope that
they will sustain their campaign which responds equally to genuine patriotism and to human
Finally, we again urge the members of the Security Council, the Secretary General of
the United Nations, indeed to intensify, their watch over the situation in Kashmir and not
to be lulled into the belief that the dialogue between India and Pakistan, in the form it
appears to be contemplated at present, will soften the conflict or lessen the urgent need
for mediatory initiatives. The policy that aims at merely defusing the situation, whatever
that may mean, and not encouraging a credible settlement has not paid in the past. It is
likely to do even less now. |